Saturday, 25 February 2012

A New Spirit is marching at University Cheick Anta Diop (UCAD)

Another day fell through the air, not good news about the political situation , not research centres opened, not university classes.The strike at UCAD University is running since three months, the professors are demanding wage increases and the improvement of pedagogic infrastructures. One professor counts for 400 students !!The risk of année blanche (blank year) seems to become more and more real. According to the "franchise universitaire", the police are not allowed to enter in the campus but it is not always respected . When students start a manifestation they attack the police with stones and they set pneumatic tires on fire, damaging  the environment and everything which passes under their hands. The violence is repressed by police violence in shape of  tear gas and beatings. The students protest is much focused on denouncing the inadequate pedagogic conditions and the weak response from the government concerning the compliance of past institutional agreements. In the mean time, in Dakar districts and several internal regions protests are running since last mid-January as a consequence of the third president's candidacy . The police,  in place of keeping order and create a safe environment for the manifestation, dislocate the protesters increasing scaremongering and  violent revolts. But who are the protesters ?  While some consider the protesters as mercenaries paid by Wade party,  in order to create  troubles and to stop the manifestation, some others believe that they are African outsiders with the intention of damaging shops and stealing people. Students said me that they are Senegalese civilians without any political affiliation, protesting against Wade and fighting for a democratic state. They are asking transparency in the electoral process and the immediate  president's withdrawal.  University students decided to constitute a branch from Y' En A Marre movement , called the Esprit of UCAD. They claim a Nouveau Type d'Etudiant,  (a new type of student) informed, socially active and responsible. Justice and equity represent the main aims against the political and partisan manipulation.  Y'En A Marre is in fact a movement created spontaneously by a group of hip-hop singers and young people in order to promote the civil action without any political link.  Monday morning, 21th February,  they organized a sit-in in the University's square, manifesting pacifically, holding a banner and slogans against the année blanche. They confessed me that although the communication with the students is facilitated by Facebook and social networks, they do not receive a strong answer from the rest of their classmates. A certain feeling of passivity and fear seems discouraging them in taking part in the manifestations. Esprit Ucad members do not understand why the majority of students prefer to stay at home and support the fight by distance with comments on facebook instead of being active in first line.  Their absence seems related to the last violent events due to the political issues and to their feeling of surrender toward a defected system which privileges  economical and power interests instead of dignity and reliance. Students said me that the Senegalese political structure sees the implication of politicians as well as religious khalifs. Both willing to affirm their power and to gain large sum of money. Political patronage and corruption represent the means to acquire a higher social status and privilege position in a society which reflects still today the hierarchical structure of the Jolof empire. As we know, Wolof society  is strongly hierarchized and is constituted by complex social stratification which persists still nowadays but with harmful consequences. Tomorrow more than 5 million citizens will choose the 4th President of Senegal Republic,  6195 polling places and  12.000 polling stations will be disseminated throughout the territory.  In order to ensure transparency, 5000 international observers will participate in the polling process. Nevertheless, incertitude and incredulity resonate within the civil society. In addition, a large number of electoral cards have not been submitted  or withdrawn by the entitled in time. In Casamance the rebels of the  Mouvement des forces Démocratiques de la Casamance (MFDC)  declared  that they will impede the polling process as a claim of independence request. In facebook the Y'En A Marre Ucad Spirit is publishing insistently messages of resistance and exhortation in completing the polling process with responsibility and attention. They exhort to vote alternative political parties, to damage Wade 's card as a symbol of not recognition as a candidate and to denounce any abuse or irregularity to the Autonomous National Electoral Commission , to journalists or to the international observers. It will be possible to follow the presidential polling by online in  Wishing tomorrow the actions of Y'En A Marre and their fight will be not vain. " LIBEREZ VOUS , VOUS ETEZ LE POUVOIR!!"!!!

Monday, 20 February 2012

Senegal tangana!!!!!!!!!! (it is coming hot)

Senegal is experiencing for the first time a social anxiety which is becoming more and more manifest with the coming election day, next 26th February. One mosque profaned by tear gas last Saturday 18th February , tear gas and fire in the main central districts of Dakar, vendors stalls burnt, people injured, arrested and four people have been killed yesterday night in Sandaga , the famous trade district in Dakar, next to the Presidential Palace. The situation seems getting worst and difficulties to move and travel inside and outside Dakar are affecting the everyday life of people and the local economies.  The University Cheick Anta Diop (UCAD) is continuing the strike and no one knows when lessons will start. It can happen that shops and public schools  decide suddenly to close  because the insecurity and unsafe conditions along the streets. Everybody is saying that Wade will win without doubts, due to his power and the large money lavished to future voters during his political campaign. Last Friday, some women told me,  they will go to join the political meeting organized by PDS Senegalese Democratic Party of Wade, because he promised 10.000 Cfa (15 €) per each person participation. In addition they believe that , after his election,  they will benefit of  personal revenues. Political game is turning Senegal in a whirlwind of turmoil and contradictions. Would be good if people awareness exceeds the promises originated from the empty pockets of politicians.  

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Defar Bamu Baax...or Art of Good Care of her Husband

Visiting day by day HLM and Malienne markes, I am more and more fascinated by the rich erotic tools , exposed in the numerous stalls and showing with nonchalance by  Laobes merchants women. As people explained me, in Senegal the most intimate friends used to give as a gift to the bride a marriage kit, which is usually composed by seduction outfit.  Among them we can find  colorful waist pearls called Bine-Bine, extravagant loin-cloth, incense for the bedroom and perfume for the body. Laobe women, a Toucouleur caste originally from Fouta Toro region, have a long tradition in producing these seductive outfit and it is used to say in Senegal that if during a dance the waist pearls of a Laobè woman breaks, people run to collect the pearls because they bring luck!!!In addition, when a Laobè gives as a gift a bine-bine or a pearl it brings happiness and success !!...... Even a piece of Laobe cloth gives success and  if you attach it to a tree it grows quicklyThese legends have ancient roots which I m trying to figure out, the mystery of this superstition and its social representation seem still very alive. But Laobes women are especially  famous in term of sexual knowledge. Most of brides used to visit them for receiving pieces of  advice related to the first night with their husbands. The traders talk without shame about sexual behavior and erotic practices and I did not face any taboo in making questions about the Saf-safal literally " something very good made" , in other words the drugs of sex which seems very requested from women as well as from men. Among these drugs, I found a large variety of natural products such as seeds and herbs but in the last years, they told me, products from China and USA are becoming more and more in vogue. Aphrodisiac creams and oils have energizing and stimulation properties which sometimes made me little bit perplexed!!On the other hand I am wondering about the harmful consequences of these products on health., which are unknown and not yet investigated. Eroticism practices depend not just upon the morality of a given society but also upon the socio-cultural context and its historical change which influences the individual at public and private sphere. Sexuality represents at academic level still a taboo and as a researcher I can say that much effort should be done in order to deconstruct the African eroticism representation which through centuries has negatively defined Africa as the prototype of  instinctual sexuality.  Thanks to my research in Senegal, I m exploring the Laobe material creativity in producing eroticism behavior and alternative discourses on sensuality and love in Senegalese society. The bine-bine around my waist, given as a gift from a Laobe woman, will accompany me during my study, I m wondering if the legend will reserve some good surprises to my the meantime I decided to go for shopping in search of a new sexy look!!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

At what price Wade will be the candidate?

Yesterday night, 31th January 2012, the streets of Dakar were animated by thousand of people, among them youth, mothers and elders, protesting against President Abdoulaye Wade's relection bid for the third term, even though the Constitution allows two term limit . The protest began pacifically in the morning in Place de l'Obelisque, but in the early afternoon violent clashes between the protesters and police caused the death of two persons, a student and a woman , many injured and arrested people. The opposition Mouvement 23, has organized the manifestation in collaboration with other movements such as Y'en A Marre, in order to promote a non-violent campaign of national resistance. Nevertheless, the police has attacked the protesters firing tear gas and water spray and they have assaulted the crowd with the trucks. Also yesterday in Podor, in the northern region of Senegal,  two civilians were killed by paramilitary police and one policeman was lynched by the protesters last Friday 27th January as a consequence of  the candidacy Wade's validation run by Constitutional Council.  Up to now, no one statement from the President Wade on the victims, the damages and the social frustration.  The international actors are condemning the undemocratic power transition, whilst the religious marabouts incite the people to peace and forgiveness but without exuberant effects on the population. Amadou Sall the spokesman of Wade, said to BBC that the  opposition supporters should express their dissent in the forthcoming polls.Talking in these days with friends and neighbors, I understood that the probability of  Wade defeat is very low because the poll will lack of transparency and his power will influence strongly the masses vote by distributing rewards and favors.  Senegal is considered one of the most democratic country in western Africa, since the day of Independence no coup d'etat and no bloody revolts took place during political election campaign. After the socialist regime(1960-2000) of Leopold Sedar Senghor and Abdou Diouf, the constitutional law in 2001 established the consecutive presidential term to the number of two, in addition the term was changed from seven to five years. Around each street corner people comment severely the aggressiveness and intolerance showed by the paramilitary corps. Incredulity and anger resound from home to home, waiting for a declaration of surrender and a new political spirit. People do not recognize themselves in the current political  atmosphere, instead they ask  politicians to look at the non-violent fighters who shaped Senegal history with their deeds,  giving dignity and honor to the country.